2016 Feb 05 4:30 PM
Abstract submissions for NPM's 2016 International Indigenous Research Conference are now open!
To deliver a presentation at our 7th Biennial Conference your 200 word abstract must align to one of our conference themes below, and be submitted no later than Monday 9th May.
The key themes for this year's conference are:
Whai Rawa – Prosperous Indigenous Economies
Te Tai Ao – Healthy Natural Environments
Mauri Ora – Indigenous Human Flourishing
Mahi Auaha – Creative Indigenous Innovation
Te Reo me Ngā Tikanga Māori – Thriving Indigenous languages and cultures
All abstracts will be reviewed and selected by the Conference Abstract Committee and priority will be given to quality abstracts that closely align to these themes.
All successful applicants will be advised by email no later than the 10 June 2016.
He Kōrero | Our Stories
Neuroscientist Nicole Edwards is establishing her own lab at the University of Auckland and is eager to tautoko students interested in a career in brain research.
AUT senior lecturer Deborah Heke encourages wāhine Māori to cherish their connection with te taiao.
Tairāwhiti local Manu Caddie is a vocal critic of forestry companies engaged in unsustainable land practices in the rohe. He shares his insights on what needs to change.