Project commenced:

Author: Nick Allison

In 2014 Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (NPM) commissioned a report from the New Zealand Institute of Economic Research (NZIER) to assess the economic, social and other impacts of the Māori Centre of Research Excellence.

A summary of key findings from this research impact evaluation were:

  • Communities were involved in shaping and designing over 80% of NPM research projects
  • NPM’s research is highly valued by its end-users
  • The majority of the projects reported improving the practices, processes and policies of end-users such as tribal authorities or iwi
  • NPM researchers are highly engaged with the Māori communities they work amongst
  • NPM is a unique organisation, with no international benchmark to compare it with
  • The impacts of NPM projects are often localised and highly relevant to the communities involved
  • NPM has established an extensive formal and informal network of cooperation between its partner research institutions that is unprecedented
  • Almost half of NPM’s projects received additional direct funding

The intent behind the commissioning of this research impact evaluation report was to develop a means by which we could assess and determine the social and economic outcomes and impacts of NPM research.

To read the full report download the PDF below.

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